const editableClassesDiv = document.getElementById("editable-classes"); const suggestedClassesDiv = document.getElementById("suggested-classes"); const addClassBtn = document.getElementById("add-class-btn"); const uploadImageBtn = document.getElementById("upload-image-btn"); const uploadImage = async () => { const input = document.getElementById('imageInput'); const file = input.files[0]; const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('image', file); try { uploadImageBtn.disabled = true; const response = await fetch('../upload', { method: 'POST', body: formData, }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Failed to upload image'); } const jsonResponse = await response.json(); const classes = jsonResponse.predictions; // Remove all underscores classes.forEach(str => { str.class = str.class.replace(/_/g, ' '); }); // Create input fields for classes with confidence >= 0.5 classes.filter((cls) => cls.confidence >= 0.5).forEach((cls) => { addInputField(cls.class); }); // Create buttons for classes with confidence < 0.5 classes.filter((cls) => cls.confidence < 0.5).forEach((cls) => { addSuggestion(cls.class); }); addSuggestion("salt and pepper"); // Add event listener to "Add Class" button addClassBtn.onclick = () => { addInputField(""); }; } catch (exception) { uploadImageBtn.disabled = false; console.log(exception); } }; function addInputField(content) { const inputField = document.createElement("input"); inputField.type = "text"; inputField.value = content; const closeButton = document.createElement("button"); = "none"; = "transparent"; = "pointer"; closeButton.innerHTML = "x"; closeButton.addEventListener("click", () => { editableClassesDiv.removeChild(inputField); editableClassesDiv.removeChild(br); editableClassesDiv.removeChild(closeButton); }); editableClassesDiv.appendChild(inputField); editableClassesDiv.appendChild(closeButton); const br = document.createElement("br"); editableClassesDiv.appendChild(br); } function addSuggestion(content) { const button = document.createElement("button"); button.textContent = content; button.onclick = () => { addInputField(content); button.remove(); }; suggestedClassesDiv.appendChild(button); } async function createInference(query) { try { const response = await fetch("/completions", { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ query }) }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`); } const data = await response.json(); const content = data.choices[0].message.content; return content; } catch (error) { return `

Error: ${error.message}

`; } } async function generateIngredients() { // Get all input elements inside the div const inputs = editableClassesDiv.querySelectorAll("input"); // Initialize an empty string to hold the input values let values = ""; // Check if there are any input elements if (inputs.length === 0) { return; // Exit the function silently if there are no input elements } // Loop through the input elements and add their values to the string inputs.forEach((input) => { if (values !== "") { values += ", "; } values += input.value; }); // Alert the input values const output = await createInference("Make 4 recipes based on the following exclusive ingredients:" + values); // Create a new div element to hold the output const outputDiv = document.createElement("div"); outputDiv.innerHTML = format(output); console.log(output); // Add the output div to the page document.body.appendChild(outputDiv); } function format(markdown) { // Replace newlines with br tags var formatted = markdown.replace(/\n/g, '
'); // Replace bold with b tags const boldRegex = /\*\*(.+?)\*\*/g; const boldMatches = formatted.match(boldRegex); if (boldMatches) { boldMatches.forEach(match => { const boldText = match.replace(boldRegex, '$1'); formatted = formatted.replace(match, boldText); }); } // Replace italics with i tags const italicRegex = /\*(.+?)\*/g; const italicMatches = formatted.match(italicRegex); if (italicMatches) { italicMatches.forEach(match => { const italicText = match.replace(italicRegex, '$1'); formatted = formatted.replace(match, italicText); }); } // Replace underline with u tags const underlineRegex = /__(.+?)__/g; const underlineMatches = formatted.match(underlineRegex); if (underlineMatches) { underlineMatches.forEach(match => { const underlineText = match.replace(underlineRegex, '$1'); formatted = formatted.replace(match, underlineText); }); } return formatted; }