/* * (weighted) ranking tool in "The Thinker's Toolkit" by Morgan Jones * Book copyright (c) 1995, 1998 Morgan Jones * This file is public domain. */ #include #include #include #include #include "color.h" #include "rank.h" void usage(void); static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"no-color", no_argument, NULL, 'n'}, {"weighted", no_argument, NULL, 'w'}, {"log-file", required_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // allocate memory for Rank struct RankList *items = malloc(sizeof(struct RankList)); memset(items, 0, sizeof(struct RankList)); if (!items) { printf(BOLDRED "Error: out of memory\n" RESET); return 1; } // get options char ch; char weighted = 0; while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hnwl:", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'h': usage(); break; case 'n': //TODO: disable_color(); puts("Not implemented yet"); break; case 'w': weighted = 1; break; case 'l': //TODO: set_log_file(optarg); puts("Not implemented yet"); break; default: usage(); break; } } items->rank_count = rsstdin(items->rank); for (int i = 0; i < items->rank_count; i++) { strncpy(items->srank[i].name, items->rank[i], M_STR_LEN); items->srank[i].score = 0; } rank(items->srank, items->rank_count); print_ranklist(items); if (weighted) { // weighted ranking puts(BOLDWHITE "Choosing top 3 weights." RESET); // leave if any are null if (items->rank_count < 3) { puts(BOLDRED "Error: not enough weights.\n" RESET); goto w_end; } /* we are now going to rank in a weighted manner for all 3 */ // init struct WAlloc *mem = malloc(sizeof(struct WAlloc)); struct Weighted weighted = mem->w; // move the top 3 items from the ranklist here strncpy(weighted.opt1, items->srank[0].name, M_STR); strncpy(weighted.opt2, items->srank[1].name, M_STR); strncpy(weighted.opt3, items->srank[2].name, M_STR); char buf[16]; //enough to hold weight float left = 1.0; // 100% char *ptr; /* weight 1 */ printf(BOLDWHITE "Weight for %s\n" BOLDGREEN "(1.0) > " RESET, weighted.opt1); fgets(buf, 16, stdin); weighted.opt1_w = strtof(buf, &ptr); if (weighted.opt1_w >= 1.0 || weighted.opt1_w <= 0.0) { printf(BOLDRED "Error: weight must be between 0 and 1\n" RESET); goto w_end; } printf(BOLDWHITE "Using %g for %s" RESET "\n", weighted.opt1_w, weighted.opt1); left -= weighted.opt1_w; /* weight 2 */ printf(BOLDWHITE "Weight for %s\n" BOLDGREEN "(%g) > " RESET, weighted.opt2, left); fgets(buf, 16, stdin); weighted.opt2_w = strtof(buf, &ptr); if (weighted.opt2_w >= 1.0 || weighted.opt2_w <= 0.0) { printf(BOLDRED "Error: weight must be between 0 and 1\n" RESET); goto w_end; } printf(BOLDWHITE "Using %g for %s" RESET "\n", weighted.opt2_w, weighted.opt2); left -= weighted.opt2_w; /* weight 3 */ weighted.opt3_w = left; printf(BOLDWHITE "Using %g for %s" RESET "\n", weighted.opt3_w, weighted.opt3); // copy memory before ranking int space = sizeof(struct Rank) * items->rank_count; // manual copy with for loop for (int i = 0; i < items->rank_count; i++) { strncpy(mem->rl.srank[0][i].name, items->rank[i], M_STR_LEN); } memcpy(mem->rl.srank[1], mem->rl.srank[0], space); memcpy(mem->rl.srank[2], mem->rl.srank[1], space); printf(BOLDRED "\nRank according to %s\n\n" RESET, weighted.opt1); rank(mem->rl.srank[0], mem->rl.rank_count); printf(BOLDRED "\nRank according to %s\n\n" RESET, weighted.opt2); rank(mem->rl.srank[1], mem->rl.rank_count); printf(BOLDRED "\nRank according to %s\n\n" RESET, weighted.opt3); rank(mem->rl.srank[2], mem->rl.rank_count); printf("\n\n" BOLDWHITE "**FINAL RANKING**" "\n" BOLDYELLOW "name | " "%s " BOLDGREEN "(%g)" BOLDWHITE " | " "%s " BOLDGREEN "(%g)" BOLDWHITE " | " "%s " BOLDGREEN "(%g)" BOLDWHITE " | " "total " RESET "\n\n", weighted.opt1, weighted.opt1_w, weighted.opt2, weighted.opt2_w, weighted.opt3, weighted.opt3_w); for (int i = 0; i < mem->rl.rank_count; i++) { // garbage dot product T_T int total = mem->rl.srank[0][i].score * weighted.opt1_w + mem->rl.srank[1][i].score * weighted.opt2_w + mem->rl.srank[2][i].score * weighted.opt3_w; printf(BOLDWHITE "%s | " BOLDGREEN "%d*%g " BOLDWHITE "|" BOLDGREEN "%d*%g " BOLDWHITE "|" BOLDGREEN "%d*%g " BOLDWHITE "|" BOLDGREEN "%d " RESET "\n", mem->rl.srank[0][i].name, mem->rl.srank[0][i].score, weighted.opt1_w, mem->rl.srank[1][i].score, weighted.opt2_w, mem->rl.srank[2][i].score, weighted.opt3_w, total); } w_end: free(mem); } free(items); return 0; } void isort(char matrix[][M_STR], struct Rank to_sort[], int len) { // sort by value, modify key accordingly for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { int key = to_sort[i].score; char str_key[M_STR_LEN]; strncpy(str_key, to_sort[i].name, M_STR_LEN); int j = i - 1; while (j >= 0 && (to_sort[j].score < key || matrix[i][j]) ) { to_sort[j + 1].score = to_sort[j].score; strncpy(to_sort[j + 1].name, to_sort[j].name, M_STR_LEN); j--; } to_sort[++j].score = key; strncpy(to_sort[j].name, str_key, M_STR_LEN); } return; } int rsstdin(char items[M_STR][M_STR_LEN]) { puts(BOLDWHITE "Enter items..." RESET); int i; for (i = 0; i < M_STR; i++) { // local buffer for name printf(BOLDGREEN "> " RESET); fgets(items[i], M_STR_LEN, stdin); // if its an empty string, stop reading if (items[i][0] == '\n') { items[i][0] = '\0'; break; } // remove newline char nl = strcspn(items[i], "\n"); if (items[i][nl] != '\n' && items[i][nl] != 0) { // it was cut off puts(BOLDRED "Truncated to 255 chars." RESET); items[i][nl] = '\0'; } items[i][nl] = '\0'; } return i; } void rank(struct Rank *items, int i) { // construct matrix of comparisons // NOTE: it doesn't actually store the "reason", // it just forces the user to type something out lol char matrix[M_STR][M_STR]; // memset(3) with null bytes memset(matrix, 0, sizeof(matrix)); // compare all of the elements for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { for (int k = j + 1; k < i; k++) { printf("%s vs %s (>/<): ", items[j].name, items[k].name); // read one char, set matrix accordingly char c = getchar(); if (c == '>') { matrix[j][k]++; items[j].score++; } else if (c == '<') { matrix[k][j]++; items[k].score++; } else { printf("Setting to " BOLDRED "<" RESET ": %c\n", c); matrix[k][j]++; items[k].score++; } // clear input buffer while (getchar() != '\n'); // ask the user to explain their choice; but we don't care what // they say printf(BOLDWHITE "Explain: " RESET); while (getchar() != '\n'); } } // insertion sort: the array **should be** nearly sorted isort(matrix, items, i); } void print_ranklist(struct RankList *items) { printf(BOLDRED "Original: " RESET " | " BOLDGREEN "Sorted: " RESET "\n\n"); for (int j = 0; j < items->rank_count; j++) { printf("%s: %d | %s: %d\n", items->rank[j], items->rank_count - j - 1, items->srank[j].name, items->srank[j].score); } } void usage(void) { puts(BOLDWHITE "Usage: weightedrank [options]\n" "Options:\n" RESET " -h, --help display this help and exit\n" " -n, --no-color disable colors\n" " -w, --weighted use weighted rankings\n" " -l, --log-file FILE write log to FILE\n"); exit(0); }